Article de 2020
Tanke Dongmo TN, Mutombo B, Ateudjieu J, Folefack T , Kwengani M , Gabo P , Diwampovesa G , Akilimali L , Miwanda B , Nkwesheu A ,Bangonda M , Michel Noubom M, Mbopi-Keou F . Cholera Outbreak in the Kasaï Oriental Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), 2018: The Case Fatality Rate in Mbuji-Mayi City and in the Rural Area . Science Journal of Public Health
Sonkoue M, Kadia B, Esong M, Djouda D, Ateudjieu J. Smartphone addiction and its association with common mental disorders among students attending the university of Dschang, West region, Cameroon. medRxiv preprint doi:
Ateudjieu J, Yakum M, Goura p, Ayok M, Douanla K, Beyala By, Kenfack B, Lapia A , Tadzong S , Bissek A .EPI immunization coverage, timeliness and dropout rate among children in a West Cameroon health district: a cross sectional study. BMC Public Health 20, 228 (2020).