conferenceCONFERENCEHealth Research Conference Read moreinterventionHEALTH INTERVENTIONSome intervention projects carried out by M.A.SANTE Read morerechercheRESEARCHThe vision of M.A. SANTE in the field of research is to contribute to improving access to health care Read morerenforcement des capacitésCAPACITY BUILDINGM.A. SANTE also contributes to the improvement of health care through training and capacity building Read more Building better access to care for sustainable development NEWS info Formation des points focaux des formations sanitaires du district de santé de MOKOLO et MOGODE Cameroun dans le cadre du projet I2BD2M FORMATION DES ENQUÊTEURS ET COLLECTE DES DONNÉES DU PROJET I2BD2M LE PROJET ROC-TTHIC RATISSAGE DE L’ENQUETE DE BASE DU PROJET OPENIMIS ATELIER DE FORMATION DES ENQUETEURS DU PROJET OPENIMIS CAMEROON HEALTH RESEARCH FORUM 2023 3IEME EDITIONS RESTITUTION DES RESULTATS DU PROJET MOBS DON DE M.A. SANTE A LA DRSPC (Délégation Régional de Santé Publique du centre) SYSTEMATIC REVIEW TRAINING OUR PARTNERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Appel à candidature 5 enquêteurs Call for applications: intern Call for applications: A communications consultant Call for applications: Internship in grant writing and article writing Intervention See more Tout voir